Thursday 20 October 2011

Some gags, one-liners and motivational quotes

I take great inspiration from motivational quotes. You know the kind of thing - sayings, musings and bon mots from inventors, thinkers, and artists. 

But I also love a great gag. One of those one-liners that makes you laugh and then think "I wish I'd thought of that". 

So I always write down the ones I hear or read - and here are some of my recent favourites.

“The only thing that could make Kelly Rowland more attractive is if her third name was sausage”.
Robert Florence on Twitter

“Imagination needs moodling – long, inefficient, happy idling – dawdling and puttering”.
Brenda Ueland

“My one regret in life is that I am not someone else”.
Woody Allen

“All great deeds and great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning”.
Albert Camus

“I’ll tell you who’s full of themselves. Those little Russian dolls”.
Jimmy Carr

1 comment:

  1. I have read through your recent posts and they are all good. People are thinking comments, even if they are not writing them down. Carry on with the blogging, it works for you and us all who have the pleasure in reading it.
