Tuesday 21 December 2010

Creativity tip: How Christmas can boost your creative thinking

For people who celebrate Christmas, things are quite different from the rest of the year.

And you can use these "different times" to boost your creative thinking.

Take time out to relax.

I know Christmas can be a stressful time. But try to find some time on your own, pour yourself a large one (or a cup of tea) and just relax. Just let your mind wander, and listen to your unconscious.

Learn from new people.

When you meet new people at the office party, drinks with the neighbours or family get-together, try to make real connections. You never know: something they say or do might just help you with an idea.

Do something you don’t usually do.

Visit a new gallery, watch a new film, or take a long walk somewhere you’ve never been before. New experiences make new connections in your brain, and that helps with new ideas.