Monday 12 April 2010

Presentation tip – Tell a story

One of the most powerful ways you can influence your audience is to use stories.

There seems to be some deep connection between people and story, perhaps going back to our childhood. Look into your own experience, or the story of your company, organisation or brand, to find stories that make a point.

Use the classic structure of conflict, resolution and point to make sure your stories resonate with the listener, and add to your pitch.

First, set up the conflict – what was the problem, challenge, danger?

Second, how was this resolved? How did you overcome it?

Finally, make the point. How does it uncover a greater truth? What does it mean for the listener? What did you learn from it?

Story is unquestionably powerful, and one of the best ways you can really connect with your audience.


  1. This is a great post and summarises how I try and ask colleagues to write presentations.

    On modern television programmes there is a trend towards "false jeopardy." Creating a seemingly insurmountable problem before delivering a resolution. Just watch any episode of Grand Designs to see what I mean.

    This can be used when preparing a presentation, accentuate a problem then provide something your audience can do to resolve it.

  2. Absolutely true. And I'm looking forward to a time when "Real Life" decisions are accompanied by a heartbeat like drum or bass, while I stand pulling faces, pretending to agonise over my choice.

    "My decision, on what I'm having on my snadwich today is....(badum).....(badum)....(badum)....Cheese and Pickle!"
